Government policy is driving inequality in our communities, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples bear the brunt of these harmful and often discriminatory policies.
We are calling on the incoming government to choose to end the inequality that is driving mob into prisons, and instead fund affordable housing, social security and services for everyone.
•Commit to systemic reform to ensure everyone has somewhere safe and comfortable to call home
•Invest in Aboriginal and community-controlled housing
•End homelessness once and for all
Adequately fund family violence prevention and legal services to meet community need
•Restore funding to the national peak the Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services Forum
•Establish a self-determined, dedicated National Safety Plan for and by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women
•Raise the rate of Centrelink so no one is forced to live in poverty
•Abolish racist compulsory income management
•Abolish punitive mutual obligations
•Establish a National Justice Reinvestment Body
•End Black deaths in custody and fully implement police and prison oversight
•Raise the Age to at least 14 years old
Change the Record’s Blueprint for Change (Blueprint) outlines the leadership role to be played by the Federal Government through the Closing the Gap process, as well as the policy principles and solutions that should be adopted by all levels of government to support the Blueprint.