Change the Record is deeply concerned about the impact of Covid-19, and of Covid-19 policies, on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples across the countries. We have heard concerning stories from our communities about discriminatory over-policing, punitive approaches to public health measures, restrictions on visitation and access to children and inadequate access to family, health and legal services within prisons.
As well as being particularly at risk of the worst health impacts of the virus itself, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are also disproportionately affected by some of the more punitive and restrictive Covid-19 policy responses at a state, territory and Commonwealth level.
We have collected the stories, experiences and evidence from communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services and Family Violence Prevention Legal Services of how Covid-19 policies are impacting First Nations communities nation wide.
Read the full report - "Critical Condition" the impact of Covid-19 policies on First Nations communities.
Release Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners who are low-risk, have chronic health conditions, are on remand, are elderly, children or are for whatever reason at increased risk of Covid-19
Protect the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in prison by ensuring access to oversight and monitoring agencies, family, legal services, mental health care, education and programs
Connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who experience family violence during Covid-19 with culturally appropriate services through their nearest Family Violence Prevention Legal Service
Increase support and access to safe accommodation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families fleeing family violence to stop further removals of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
Resist punitive policy responses to Covid-19 and the over-policing of already targeted communities, and require transparency and oversight in policing;
Ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including those with disability, are given equal access to high quality and culturally-appropriate health care during Covid-19; and
Rebuild our justice system after Covid-19 to focus on investing in community, not prisons, to increase community safety and prevent black deaths in custody.
Change the Record supports the calls of families who have lost loved ones to deaths in custody, and those who still have family and friends inside, who are calling for their urgent release. They say: "We are the families left behind due to Black deaths in custody in this country. We also represent Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and people who have loved ones and children in adult and youth prisons right now that we fear will contract COVID-19 and we fear for their lives..."
"...Far too often, our people have died in custody because their health issues have not been taken seriously due to racism. Prisons are not safe. Consequently, our people are ‘at risk’ during this pandemic and must be released."
Read the full open letter here.